Prof. Maurizio Benaglia
Dipartimento di Chimica
Università degli Studi di Milano
Prof. Maurizio Benaglia has completed his PhD in Organic Chemistry by Università degli Studi di Milano and postdoctoral studies from University of California, San Diego (UCSD) under the supervision of Prof. J. Siegel. In 2006 he was promoted to associate professor and in 2015 he became full professor of Organic Chemistry at the Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Milano.
In 2001 he won the “Giacomo Ciamician” Medal of the Italian Chemical Society.
He has been awarded by American chemical society as author on one of 20 most cited papers in Organic Letters in 2006-2009 years, by Elsevier as author of one of 50 most cited papers in 2003-2006 years and for another paper in 2006-9 years. In 2014 he was awarded by the National Consortium –C.I.N.M.P.I.S. with the “Innovation in research” prize.
He is author of more than 190 publications on international journals, including four patents, ten review articles and nine book chapters (h index 43). He has been editor of the Wiley book Recoverable and recyclable catalysts (2009) and he is member of the editorial board of Molecules.
He has been the Director of International Summer School on Organic Synthesis – ISOS “A. Corbella” (2014-20117) and he is co-founder and Director of the International School of Process Chemistry- ISPROCHEM (2017-present).
He is the coordinator of the EU-funded MSCA ITN-EID project “TECHNOTRAIN”.
His research activities include: development of novel synthetic methodologies, stereoselective reactions in water and other alternative, sustainable reaction solvent (such as DES, deep eutectic solvents), design of new chiral catalysts, recyclable organic catalysts, to be used also in flow chemistry processes (catalytic reactors) and in microreactors, 3D-printing technologies to build ad hoc designed reactors, synthesis of chiral products of pharmaceutical interest and studies of novel fluorinated materials for imaging.
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