Enrica Chiesa
Università di Pavia - Dip. Scienze del Farmaco
Enrica Chiesa is an assistant professor of the Department of Drug Sciences, University of Pavia and she is working on
precision nanomedicine for the delivery of therapeutics (small molecules and biotech drugs). She obtained her PhD in
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2017 at the University of Pavia. She joined the research group of Prof. Yvonne
Perrie at Aston University (Birmingham- UK) working on the microfluidics for nanoparticles preparation. She took part as
Postdoc in a collaborative work between the University of Pavia and IRCSS Fondazione Policlinico San Matteo (Pavia) to
develop a microfluidic platform for pharmaceutical purposes.
Speaker in
- Polymeric nanoparticles for active targeting
26 March 4:30 pm Arena 4
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